Sunday 27 March 2011

Giant Cupcake

 Birthday party time. Cue a monstrous cupcake with slightly day-glo icing!

Thursday 3 March 2011

Make Do and Mend Art Performance

Last night Katherine Johnson and I performed our Make Do and Mend performance at the opening of the reduction exhibition at Broadcasting House. The exhibition was organised by the Young Curators, a project based at Leeds Met Gallery and Studio Theatre that gives young people a practical introduction to curating art exhibitions. The performance was as we wanted it to be, very hectic! We invited members of the audience to destroy maps of Britain and our task was to attempt to put them back together showing a literal cycle of damage and repair. The exhibition was based on cuts within the arts and the performance was based on the idea of "Broken Britain" and how the ever-mounting problems in society are never fixed properly but smoothed over and inherent to our culture. We were dressed as land girls referencing the idea of the wartime community spirit and the idea of the home and hard work to bring people together in more desperate times. We had some very good feedback during the performance and are both looking forward to performing it again at the Home from Home exhibition at 153 Woodhouse Lane, Leeds on 12th March from 12pm. More information about the reduction exhibition can be found here.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Call and Response: Campaign

The rest of February's drawings to be added soon.

A response to Katherine's call.