Sunday, 9 October 2011

Chester Performs: Up the Wall

Make do and mend is going to be performed at Up the Wall, an event run by Chester Performs, on the 21st and 22nd of October 2011!  Chester Castle is the venue and we are very excited to be doing our performance and meeting everyone else involved.  Hopefully I will get some good photos of us doing our map fixing in this dramatic venue.  For more information visit and book yourself some free tickets!

A long time has passed...

...and a lot has happened!  I haven't kept up to date recently, must do more as always!  Here are a few selections of the things I have been up to.  I took photos of my friends dogs for his new house (Oakley and Poppy)  gorgeous chocolate Labrador and Dalmatian.  I went to a Minecraft themed party and knitted some little characters for the birthday boys.  I took many a floating photo with varying degrees of success trying to imitate the work of an amazing blog of beautiful photos!  Keeping up with the old HDR and also recording myself in my sleep to be made into a possible piece of art.  Hear some of the results at Phew!  Exhibition news on the way too, I have been a busy bee!

Model: Chris Dubock

Self portait!

Minecraft Creeper

Minecraft Pig

HDR Selfridges Birmingham
