Sunday, 28 February 2010


Make your own wax seals. Yes, I think I will! Another obsession since receiving a wedding invite with a lovely wax seal. This one is from a husband and wife art and design team no less. I think I feel an art project brewing...

Gnomes and Cranes

I've got a couple of birthdays coming up and decided to have a go at making my own cards.  I'm loving making at the moment, having a physical object at the end is really satisfying!  The fabric crane is detachable and can be worn as a brooch.  Fabric folds really well  after a few close encounters with the iron and some help from starch spray (who still uses this?!)  And I love the little gnome man, this was from a paper bag I got a Christmas gift in, though I'm hoping it doesn't look too Christmassy.  Obsessed with Origami.